Sunday, March 7, 2010

GUEST POST! Mike and Mike on the Mic!

For the first time ever on the internet, we present you Mike and Mike on the Mic! Hi Meter Pugno and Cohn Jonnell. Here is a list of things in the world that intrigue us;
Cohn Jonnell
As you might have guessed, this is a guest post on the internationally acclaimed blog of Brelly. What you might not have guessed is that the authors of the blog are sitting across from Mike and Mike composing a post of their own. Intriguing.

Additionally, for the male readership, girls have weird stick things coming out of a bottle that are apparently for the purpose of improving the smell of the room. Realistically, it looks like a bunch of sticks stuck in a bottle of water. Intriguing.

Glitter on the back of the chair in the suite. A random chair has an unusual amount of glitter on the back of it.

The sounds a toothbrush makes. Yo quiero taco bell.
3-D TV
Planet Earth
The fact that Mike and Mike on the Mic don't have their own blog
50 year old actresses on the academy awards
Angel Trophy
English Accents

We hope you have enjoyed the wonderful list of intriguing things that we have found intriguing. We hope you tune in again to Mike and Mike on the Mic. See you next Sunday night!
-Mike and Mike

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